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Project ID: 56
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If you are viewing this, you have come to see more information based on our project.

The information on this page can be updated at any time, so some things may change.


Our goal with this server is to provide a clean, open experience like you would expect from retail. We are a small team and are doing this mainly as a hobby to create something we would enjoy on our own time.

The idea for content is to be progressive, allowing players to see content over time and giving the team time to review later things. What this also does is allow us to provide some twists to the older content with newer systems and other implementations we can work on.


Straight up, There will be no direct timeline. We do however plan to have those interested to test, run different exercises and allow us to make sure things are working properly. Those who do help later on will be provided packages on the initial launch day when it comes.

Primary Server Goal

This is would be our goal server direction:

Framework Priority
DF: Server 'TrinityCore' Main Server
WOTLK: Server "AzerothCore" Secondary, Main Server
Development 'Utilizing /Both